A Guide to Managing Multiple Charts

Jotly Admin

Last Update 4 maanden geleden

When setting up size charts for your Shopify store using the Jotly Size Chart app, you may find yourself needing different size charts for various products or categories. To help you manage multiple active size charts effectively, Jotly employs a set of rules to determine which chart will be displayed to your customers. This article will explain these rules in detail, ensuring you understand how they work and can make the most out of your size charts.

 Priority Rule for Multiple Active Charts

If you have multiple active size charts assigned to the same product, the chart with the highest priority will be displayed. Each size chart can be assigned a priority level, with higher numbers indicating higher priority (e.g., priority 2 is higher than priority 1). This rule ensures that the most relevant size chart is always shown to the customer based on your predefined preferences.

  • Key Takeaway: Always assign a priority to your charts to control which one appears when multiple charts are applicable for same product

Newly Created Chart Rule for Same Priority

If you have multiple active charts with the same priority level for the same product, Jotly will display the most recently created chart. 

  • Key Takeaway: When two or more charts have the same priority, the newest one will be shown. Use this rule to manage updates or temporary changes effectively.

Specific Product Rule

If you have a chart that is set to display for "All Products" and another chart specifically designed for certain products, the specific product chart will take precedence. This rule is designed to provide the most relevant information to customers based on their product selection.

  • Key Takeaway: Specific product charts will always override general charts, ensuring that customers see the most accurate size information for the product they are viewing.

Applying These Rules in Your Store

Understanding and applying these rules will help you effectively manage your size charts. Here are some best practices:

  1. Avoid Creating Multiple Charts for the Same Product: To keep things simple and avoid confusion, try not to create multiple charts for the same product. Instead, use a single, well-crafted chart that provides all the necessary sizing information. This simplifies the management of your size charts and ensures that your customers always see the most relevant and accurate information.
  2. Be Specific When Needed: Utilize specific product charts when particular items have unique sizing requirements. This ensures customers see the most relevant size information for the product they are viewing, enhancing their shopping experience

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